@ unsure
Just checked out your History of postings, You're a deep thinker. I kinda don't go to your depths in seeking knowledge, my head can't handle all the theories out there.
i don't mean for anyone to get into argument over this, i just want to hear what people believe.i hope that no one will mock or argue with someone else about their beliefs, i know that i won't in this topic.. i still believe in a christian god, not what jws believe, but believe that there has to be something after this life.
i am not sure about how armageddon would go, would it be like how evangelicals believe with a rapture or timing or anything, though i still believe in a form of armageddon.
i do think that all good people will go to heaven but i don't believe in a hell.
@ unsure
Just checked out your History of postings, You're a deep thinker. I kinda don't go to your depths in seeking knowledge, my head can't handle all the theories out there.
i don't mean for anyone to get into argument over this, i just want to hear what people believe.i hope that no one will mock or argue with someone else about their beliefs, i know that i won't in this topic.. i still believe in a christian god, not what jws believe, but believe that there has to be something after this life.
i am not sure about how armageddon would go, would it be like how evangelicals believe with a rapture or timing or anything, though i still believe in a form of armageddon.
i do think that all good people will go to heaven but i don't believe in a hell.
This question is probably asked by everyone here. I'm so mixed up, I don't know what to believe! The Watchtowers' constant changes when their expected prophecies go unfulfilled, causes all of us to question, what the Hell is the real truth, has much of my zeal been wasted, where do I go from here?
i've noticed that some elders will insist on getting a special bethel speaker for memorials, special talks, or sometimes for no reason at all!
i believe they are trying build connections they can use later, but who pays for it?
the congregation does and as a former account servant i can tell you airfare isn't all that cheap.
We Had Rudy Hardle and his wife from Patterson last year give our Memorial and Public Talk. Very enjoyable and it only cost us $1100, cheaper than for a Circuit Assembly. Our congregation likes to do this every 3 years(invite a Bethelite to speak).
i was born in 1984 so was only 9yo in 1995. i read on various posts on here and on other websites about false expectations about 1975 and 1995. i'm aware of the 1975 failure but what was said in 1995?.
If you do a Wikipedia search on "Generation", it will say 20 to 40 years long. Jesus first application of the term "Generation" was applied in the year of 33 C.E. when he mentioned the destruction of Jerusalem. It happened 37 years later in 70 C.E., when Jerusalem was destroyed, well within the correct terminology of the word "generation", not what the Watchtower made up and ongoing changing definition is.
i met with a jw today and they showed me a picture of the new style kh build.
the building was located in a ***strip mall**** in florida.
i'm always amazed (and disgusted) at the new and inventive ways they think of expanding their real estate holdings.. along that vein...i recently discovered this: .
Saw a Bunch of KH's, but not one in a Strip Mall.
greetings from redding calif. my name is bill covert.
i am one of those viet nam war felons for having to refuse communtiy service in lieu of military induction per direct instructions from ny, so i have been around for a while.
i am the writer of the letters mentioned in the human apostate talk of the 2013 conventions.
Bravo my friend! I have never met a Mechanic who can carry himself the way you have on these various issues. You have my attention. To get your story out, maybe you could shorten it to several paragraphs and send it to several News outlets, it just might get published by some. Also, Youtube is always a good format to get the message out.
i remember one of the nights that i found out the truth wasn't the truth, that is after finding out about the united nations, i remember riding my bicycle from like 1am till 5am in the city night.
it was rather chilly, maybe about 55-60 degrees and i was playing pink floyd's dark side of the moon album in my earbuds.
just riding and riding, not really tiring because of the thought that 7 men in brooklyn had duped me, duped me for like 20 plus years.
Thanks for being honest in your feelings and letting us in to your life story. Keep us up to date on your progress.
i have posted the full story on a fb site.
so my apologies to anyone who's already read it.
some of what i've written is what was told to me by my father.
Dam it, I'm suck in to this well written story. You must be one Hell of a good looking or a very charming guy to score beautiful women!
having problem pasting this...
Would love a new thread from Bethlites who served from the middle 90's to present.
hi everyone.
jt and lady cee have posted an awesome video about 1975, its very interesting.. check it out, i just watched it and its great.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6nocaq0x-8 .
cheers wgo..
I can't thank these 2 individuals enough. Always spot on, very sensible and easy to follow.